Ordering information for paperback copies of all of our textbooks.
prices have soared exponentially in recent years, and are now
prohibitively expensive for many students. For this reason, we decided
in 2007 to revise two of our texts and make them available as PDF files
that can be downloaded at no cost.
Instructors of courses that used those downloads at the time
informed us that some of the students using those files found it more
convenient to have paper copies. Accordingly, we found a method of
providing high quality paperback copies printed on demand at a fraction
of the original cost charged by the commercial publisher.
The two books were Real Analysis, written at a level for graduate students and Elementary Real Analysis, suitable for advanced undergraduates.
Since that time we have added a book on Mathematical Discovery requiring
very little mathematical background. Several other titles are now also
available as inexpensive paperbacks or as free downloads. Our catalogue
lists individual titles. The web page for each text gives a short
description of the book and links to its Preface and Table of
Contents, as well as information on purchasing or downloading the book.
Order paperbacks of all of our texts here.
Individual copies of all of our books can be ordered directly from Amazon or from the CreateSpace eStore. Purchases from CreateSpace may be eligible for discount coupons.
University bookstores, libraries and sellers of books can order
wholesale copies through the CreateSpace Direct channel. The process is described here.
For those residing in Europe, some of our books can be obtained from Amazon sites in European countries. Ordering directly from these sites reduces the shipping price and allows speedier delivery. Information about European distribution, where available, is included in the section describing each text.
for further information about our books and other real analysis resources. |
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© A.M. Bruckner, J.B. Bruckner, and B.S. Thomson (2012).
by David Sprecher 
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