This book is the second
edition of a graduate level real analysis textbook formerly published by
Prentice Hall (Pearson) in 1997. This
edition contains many corrections, additions and is in a new format.
It is designed to be user-friendly by including historical material, by giving examples to motivate topics
before they are developed, and by providing motivation for the proofs of
theorems that students often find difficult.
The text consists of two volumes,
each covering a semester course. It can be purchased as one book
containing the material in both volumes. Volumes I and II can also be
purchased separately in smaller, more convenient sizes.
More about the goals and use of the book can be found in the Preface. See also the Table of Contents, which lists the topics covered in each volume.
Rea l Analysis: Second Edition (2008)
by Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson
This is the full paperback edition, containing all chapters.
660 pages, 15 Chapters
EAN-13: 978-1434844125 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
BISAC: Mathematics / Mathematical Analysis
List Price: $31:25
Real Analysis: Second Edition (2008)
Volume One
by Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson
364 pages, Chapters 1 - 8 of the complete text
ISBN: 1438220766
EAN-13: 9781438220765 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
BISAC: Mathematics / Mathematical Analysis
Real Analysis: Second Edition (2008)
by Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson
316 pages, Chapters 9 - 15 of the complete text
ISBN: 1438220782
EAN-13: 978-1438220789 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
BISAC: Mathematics / Mathematical Analysis
List Price: $15.95
© A.M .Bruckner, J.B. Bruckner, and B.S.Thomson (2012).
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