Highlights indicate FREE PDF files that may be downloaded.
- [No MR] Bruckner, A. M. ; Thomson, B.S.; Bruckner, J. B.; Mathematical Discovery, ClassicalRealAnalysis.com (2011).
- [No MR] Thomson, B.S.; Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; ELEMENTARY REAL ANALYSIS, 2nd Edition, ClassicalRealAnalysis.com (2008).
- [No MR] Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; Thomson, B.S. REAL ANALYSIS, 2nd Edition, ClassicalRealAnalysis.com (2008).
- [No MR] Thomson, B.S.; Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; ELEMENTARY REAL ANALYSIS, Prentice Hall (2001).
- [No MR] Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; Thomson, B.S. REAL ANALYSIS, Prentice Hall (1997).
- MR0386379 (52 #7233)
Kramer, Henry P. ; Bruckner, Judith B.; Iterations of a non-linear
transformation for enhancement of digital
Pattern Recognition 7 (1975), no. 1-2, 53--58.
- [No MR] Bruckner, J. B.; Kendler, T.; and Basden, B.; Dimensional dominance and continuity theory, J. of Exper. Psych. 83, no 2 (1970), 309--318.
- MR0220877 (36 #3929) Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; On a problem of S. Marcus.
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 12 1967 879--887.
- MR0204590 (34 #4429) Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B. The continuity structure of open finite-to-one functions.
Monatsh. Math. 70 1966 419--429.
- MR0171217 (30 #1448) Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; Generalized convex kernels.
Israel J. Math. 2 1964 27--32.
- MR0142058 (25 #5452) Bruckner, A. M. ; Bruckner, J. B.; On Ln sets, the Hausdorff metric, and connectedness.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 1962 765--767.
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ClassicalRealAnalysis.com and ClassicalRealAnalysis.info
are sites owned and maintained by A. M. Bruckner, J. B. Bruckner and B.
S. Thomson. Our goals are to supply the mathematics community with
quality paperback textbooks at very low price and FREE PDF files for
study and instruction. If all academic mathematicians were inclined to
do this, then the big publishing houses that charge excessive prices
for textbooks would be out of business. That would be a shame!
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News |
 June 2011
Mathematical Discovery . Our newest textbook is published. |
 February 2012
ClassicalRealAnalysis.info Site launched. |
 April 2012
ClassicalRealAnalysis.com. Plans are underway to redesign this web site completely and move it to a different host. This was primarily becuase MS Office Live has dropped their service as of the end of April of this year. |
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