REAL ANALYSIS [Graduate Level Real Analysis textbook]
This page contains information on this textbook as well as download instructions to obtain a free PDF.
Real Analysis: First Edition (1997)
Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner, and Brian S. Thomson.
Prentice-Hall, 1997, xiv 713 pp.
[ISBN 0-13-458886-X]
Real Analysis: Second Edition (2008)
Andrew M. Bruckner, Judith B. Bruckner,
and Brian S. Thomson
List Price:$31.25
7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
660 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1434844125
ISBN-10: 1434844129
BISAC: Mathematics/Mathematical Analysis
CreateSpace eStore:
This is the second edition of a graduate level real analysis textbook formerly published by
Prentice Hall (Pearson) in 1997. This edition contains both volumes. Volumes one and two can also be purchased
separately in smaller, more convenient sizes.
book is intended to be a user-friendly text suitable for a one year
graduate level course in Real Analysis. The text
includes material to
motivate topics before they are developed, and provide motivation for
the proofs of theorems that students often find difficult.
More about the purpose, and use of the book can be found in the Preface. See also the Table of Contents. For a free PDF download of the book,
or any of our books visit the DOWNLOAD page on this website.
Errata page for this book. [Under construction - not yet available.]
If you need a trade paperback version please order from the AMAZON or the CreateSpace E-STORE
links at the BBT page on our sister site. Note that there are two options. The first is to purchase the fat version that
contains all chapters:it is a rather large paperback, but the quality and bindings are of a
high standard.
The other option is to purchase the two smaller separate versions, the first containing
Chapters 1-8 and covering a standard graduate introductory course in Lebesgue measure theory,
the second containing more advanced topics (such as Baire category,Banach spaces, Lp spaces,
analytic sets, Hilbert space, Fourier series).
Download a FREE hyperlinked PDF file containing all fifteen chapters
Please write to the authors letting them
know how you are using the textbook and whether is has been successful
for you. We are always happy to hear from our readers, either with
praise, questions, advice, errata, etc.
Good luck in your studies!
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are sites owned and maintained by A. M. Bruckner, J. B. Bruckner and B.
S. Thomson. Our goals are to supply the mathematics community with
quality paperback textbooks at very low price and FREE PDF files for
study and instruction. If all academic mathematicians were inclined to
do this, then the big publishing houses that charge excessive prices
for textbooks would be out of business. That would be a shame!
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