[BTB] Mathematical Discovery,
Bruckner, Thomson, & Bruckner (2011).

List Price: $15.49
7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
268 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1453892923 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1453892923
BISAC: Mathematics / General
book is an outgrowth of classes for students who had little background
in mathematics. Many indicated they never
understood what mathematics
is all about beyond what they learned in high school algebra and
geometry. Was there
any more mathematics to be created or discovered?
How could one actually discover new mathematics?
The objective of this
book is to help the reader obtain an appreciation of mathematics by
participating in the discovery
of solutions to various problems.
chapter begins with a problem and works towards a solution to the
problem. The reader participates in discovering
the solution. There are
also comments about the history of the problems, how answers to
questions lead to new problems,
how the problems studied relate to other
problems that superficially seem to be unrelated, and how some problems
seem similar are still unsolved.
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